image of an artwork

human hair & porcelain

Combining two crafts

When cut hair is combined with porcelain something new emerges. Hair turns into structure. Orderly placed or organically felted, growing out of a wall or resting on a table, these structures tell a story of what was.

[human hair]


Design am Rhein

«flat folds» – at Design am Rhein

The «Design am Rhein» platform will be launched for the first time in 2024 and will take place from Chur along both courses of the river to Disentis-Sedrun and Andeer respectively. 

Creative professionals will open their studios / workshops and provide insights into the process of their creative work. Find the objects «flat folds» exhibited in Ilanz and see a live performance of the work process on 06 July with the designer.

more infos
[graphic design]Beat Cadruvi

Museum für Gestaltung

Talking Clay!

Exited to talk about my work at the roundtable «talking clay» as part of the Margrit Linck exhibition at «Museum für Gestaltung». 

With Laurin Schaub, Zoe Vai and Maurizio Ferrari.

more infos
Umberto Romito & Ivan Šuta
[photography]U. Romito & I. Šuta – MfG – ZHdK

Gewerbemuseum Winterthur

«Blut & Staub» – at Gewerbemuseum Winterthur

Happy to be part of the exhibition «Blut & Staub» at the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur. The special presentation shows the valuable use of residual materials as materials and draws attention to the untapped potential of materials that are still labelled as waste today.

more infos
blut & staub cover image
[graphic design]Janic Fotsch


Ikea Foundation Switzerland & Kanton St. Gallen

Very happy to announce that Louisa Goldman and I have received a grant from the Ikea Foundation Switzerland and the Canton St. Gallen to realise our joint project.


In our collaboration, our two craft areas will meet: porcelain with hair combined with wheel thrown objects made of porcelain. We are particularly interested in inviting chance back into the design process as a co-author. We will focus on the particularities of the material and the traces of the making of the object. This work will highlight the advantages of both types of objects. The flawless looking porcelain objects will be contrasted by the coral-like structure of porcelain objects formed from human hair. Both techniques will be treated equally and neither will be used for purely decorative application.

image of two different textures
[two crafts will meet]close-up structures